HD DVD Rental UK: Where & How

Vincent Teoh

Assuming you already own a HD-capable player, online HD DVD rental is by far the cheapest – nay, freest – way of obtaining high-definition source material for the ultimate audio-visual feast. Although there are many online DVD rental companies to choose from, only one (as far as I’m aware) allows you to rent HD DVD online in the UK. This is not very well-publicised, but the company to which I’m referring is Lovefilm: to find the HD DVDs, simply enter “HD version” into the search box and click on the “Go” button.

Even less well-known is the fact that Lovefilm are offering a 3-month free trial (as long as you’ve not previously subscribed to Lovefilm or one of their subsidiaries like Tesco or ScreenSelect) as part of their push to recruit as many new subscribers as possible in their stride towards a £100 million flotation. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Click here to go to Lovefilm’s website.

  2. Enter the code LFZZ98762 in the box as illustrated below:


  3. Enter your postal address where the HD DVDs will be sent.

  4. Choose the 2 DVDs at a time (£12.99 per month… don’t worry you don’t need to pay this for 3 months) option if you wish to rent only films, or else go for the £14.99 per month option where you can rent games too (2 discs at any one time). There is also a 1 DVD (£4.99 per month) option which is pretty much pointless as it’s eclipsed by the other two.

  5. You’ll need to enter your debit/credit card details… this is only used for authorisation and you won’t be charged.

  6. Congratulations, you’ve signed up for a 90-day free trial and can start choosing the HD DVDs you want to rent.

Pay close attention to your next payment date (click on “My Account“) which should be 3 months from the date you signed up. Should you wish to cancel your subscription after your free trial, here’s what you need to do to avoid being charged:

  1. First remove every title in your rental list so no new discs will be sent to you.
  2. Return your remaining discs 1 week in advance. Use registered post or get a certificate of posting as proof.
  3. Cancel your subscription online by going here.

If you follow the steps exactly, the cancellation should be immediate and you’ll receive a confirmation email.

So what are you waiting for? With tasty HD DVDs like World Trade Center and Brotherhood Of The Wolf due for release in April, and Blu-ray titles like Casino Royale and Pearl Harbour readily available to complement your shiny PS3, there’s never been a better time to rent HD DVD online… for free.

Disclosure: Some of the above links to Lovefilm are affiliate links: for each new subscription through those links we get paid a small commission which will be used to keep our website alive. This in no way impact on our impartial review, and won’t affect your free 3-month trial. Should you wish to access Lovefilm without going through our affiliate link, here is the direct link: http://www.lovefilm.com.