HDR TV Shootout: E6 OLED; DX900, XD94, KS9500 LED LCD

Vincent Teoh

UK-based independent AV retailer Crampton and Moore will hold its annual TV shootout event in collaboration with Leeds Trinity University and HDTVTest on Saturday the 23rd of July. Given the rise of HDR, this year’s theme is to anoint the best consumer-grade television for watching HDR-mastered content at this moment in time.

TV shootout

HDR (high dynamic range) has been a key selling point among high-end TVs in 2016, and forms the central pillar that brings about the biggest jump in appreciable picture quality compared with other UHD (ultra high-definition) features such as 3840×2160 resolution or wide colour gamut (WCG). OLED and LED LCD proponents have been arguing the respective merits of their display technologies when it comes to HDR presentation (lack of blooming/ haloing versus higher peak brightness), with the Ultra HD Alliance (UHDA) even going so far as to draw up two separate peak brightness/ black level criteria for its UHD Premium certification process.

The TVs that have been shortlisted for side-by-side comparison in this event are:

All the displays will be 65″ except the Sony XD94 which is only available in one screen size of 75 inches. The presence of the LG E6, Panasonic DX902 and Sony XD9405 has been confirmed for the shootout, but because the Samsung KS9500’s release has been delayed (again) in the UK and Europe, it may not be available in time for the event. Should that be the case, Samsung will be represented by the step-down KS9000, or omitted altogether.

The shootout will take place in a light-controlled, theatre-like auditorium at Leeds Trinity University. Every HDR television participating in the shootout will be given adequate time to run in, then calibrated using CalMAN software to D65 white point, ST.2084 PQ (perceptual quantisation) EOTF (electro-optical transfer function) and DCI-P3 colour points within Rec.2020 container, depending on the number of calibration controls available in HDR mode on each set. Certain snippets from several popular Ultra HD Blu-ray movies and Dolby Vision clips (for the LG) will be used to demonstrate various aspects of HDR performance to lucky attendees who will be asked at the end of the day to vote for the “Best HDR TV”.

The 2016 HDR shootout event will take place at Leeds Trinity University (post code LS18 5HD) on Saturday the 23rd of July from 1pm to 5pm GMT. The provisional schedule is as follows (though subject to change depending on time constraints, etc.):

  • 13:00: Opening statement
  • 13:15: HDR vs non-HDR
  • 13:45: Dark-scene HDR
  • 14:30: Coffee break
  • 15.00: Mid-bright & bright-scene HDR
  • 16:00: Dolby Vision vs HDR10
  • 16.30: Q&A plus closing statement
  • 17:00: Winner announcement

Attendance is free, but limited to the first 35 people (due to space constraints) on a first-come first-served basis. To register, please fill in the form below so that you can be issued with an email confirmation for entry on the day.

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Background: ---ConsumerTradePress
Interested in: LGPanasonicSamsungSonyFALDOLEDHDRDolby Vision

Any question/ message for the organisers?