LCD TV Panel Shipment To Fall For The First Time In 2011

Richard Carlton

According to recent figures, LCD TV panel shipments could see a drop in the final quarter of this year, which would then make 2011 the first year where shipments of LCD television panels have fallen. The data comes from California-based market research firm DisplaySearch, and based on estimations stemming from shipment targets from panel makers for the fourth quarter of this year, there will be 209 million LCD TV panels shipped in 2011. This reflects a decrease of 5 percent compared to the number of panels shipped in 2010, which came in at 220.8 million.

LCD TV panel shipment
LCD TV panel shipment to fall for the first time in 2011

In the third quarter of this year, it was only panel shipments for laptops and internet tablets that saw an increase quarter on quarter according to the data. Internet tablet panel shipments showed the strongest growth, rising by 21 percent on a quarter-on-quarter basis, and a massive 246 percent year on year. Panel shipments for notebooks increased by 4 percent quarter on quarter and 21 percent year on year.

LCD TV panel shipments in the third quarter of this year were pretty much flat, coming in at 52.8 million for the third quarter of the year, which represents only a minute increase over the 52.5 million units shipped in Q2’11. The Quarterly Large Area TFT LCD Shipment Report shows that panel manufacturers are targeting only a very small growth of 2 percent for the fourth quarter of 2011, and revenues are not expected to show any growth at all due to stagnant panel prices.

For the past six consecutive quarters the TFT-LCD industry has been in oversupply according to the report. Lack of growth in panel shipments for the third quarter has been blamed on factors such as stagnant economic conditions within the HDTV and IT industries.

Source: DisplaySearch