Retrevo, a consumer electronics product review aggregator and price comparison website, has released one of the most optimistic forecasts on 3D TVs to date based on data gathered from a survey among its pool of users.
According to the survey results, among those who intend to splash out on a TV set this year, more than one-third (35% to be more precise) will go for a 3D TV. Another interesting tidbit to emerge from this survey was the possibility of 3D-ready HDTVs hurting the sales of non-3D sets — these very same respondents said that they were holding off buying a HDTV until they find a suitable 3DTV on which to spend their hard-earned money.
Another key question in the Retrevo study asked its respondents when they started becoming aware that they can watching 3D televisions at home. It turns out that the release of Avatar 3D in cinemas worldwide, and the massive push for 3D TVs in the 2010 CES (Consumer Electronics Show) significantly boosted 3DTV awareness from 39% in December 2009 to 60% in January 2010. As more and more 3D TVs hit the store shelves, awareness will continue to grow: as of May this year 86% of respondents are now aware that they can buy a 3D television set to watch 3D content from the comforts of their own home.
The Retrevo survey also asked those who were not planning to purchase a 3D TV this year to give their reasons. The majority (58%) cited high price as the main obstacle, which is hardly surprising especially in these tough economic times. 43% said they did not need a 3D TV; whereas the need for 3D glasses and the lack of 3D programmes accounted for 28% and 20% of the objections respectively. This suggests that aggressive price cuts and discounted packaged deals (comprising the 3D TV set, 3D glasses and/or 3D media player) are probably the easiest ways for TV manufacturers and audio-visual retailers to increase 3D TV uptake.
Of course, a poll prediction can be very different from the eventual sales figure. It remains to be seen whether the positive responses and 3D awareness solicited in this study actually translate into 3D TVs flying off the shelves.
Source: Retrovo