Samsung UE40B7020 Settings

Vincent Teoh

Here are the final settings for the Samsung UE40B7000 review sample we tested, calibrated from a high-definition source using HDMI input in accordance with video industry standards in a dimly-lit environment suitable for critical viewing. These calibrated settings should also be applicable to the Samsung UE40B7020 LED-backlit LCD TV, seeing that the only difference between the two models is cosmetic.

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Of course, the usual caveats apply. While these settings resulted in video-standard-compliant images on our Samsung UE40B7000 HDTV set, they may not do so for yours due to unavoidable differences in input source, viewing environment, firmware versions, and baseline service menu levels. However, if you do not have the resources to perform proper calibration on your UE40B7020 LED TV, these settings should serve as a good starting point for achieving picture quality that comes close to the standard used in film studios. Still, you should at least use a basic calibration disc like the Digital Video Essentials Blu-Ray to set the black level [Brightness] correctly on your Samsung UE40B7020 or UE40B7000 HDTV.

Another warning: if you are not used to D65 images, it’s very likely that you will find the resultant picture too yellow or too dark immediately after applying these settings. The reason for this is that most PC monitors and televisions are by default set to a colour temperature in excess of 9300k, which slowly brainwashes us into falsely thinking that the whites generated by these displays are the “real whites”. On the other hand, the video industry (broadcast and film studios) uses the D65 imaging standard, which is what we are striving to achieve through calibration so that we can appreciate movies in the way that the directors intended. What we advise is to stick with the following settings for 3 days to 1 week to get used to D65 images, after which reverting to the out-of-the-box values should hopefully make you realise how garish and unnatural the colours were prior to calibration.

Two sets of picture adjustment values are provided. The first one is in [Movie] mode which exhibits low-APL auto-dimming; the second is in [Game] mode which defeats the auto-dimming, but also compromises video processing somewhat. We suggest experimenting with both to see which one you prefer.

* Backlight can be increased as necessary in a brighter viewing environment (especially during daytime) to boost shadow detail and peak brightness.

** In the “Custom” [100Hz Motion Plus] submenu, set [Blur Reduction] to “8” and [Judder Reduction] to “0“.

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