In the midst of unveiling a 31-inch OLED TV, the world’s thinnest local-dimming LED TV, and its first plasma 3D TV at the IFA 2010 expo in Berlin, LG managed to take some time out to announce a marketing alliance with Sky in relation to the latter’s forthcoming 3D channel. In essence, LG will be the official approved partner for the Sky 3D channel that will launch on the 1st of October this year.
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Under the signed agreement, Sky will recommend LG 3D TVs – instead of similar offerings from Panasonic, Samsung or Sony – to customers interested in subscribing to its Sky 3D channel. Building upon an existing commercial relationship that involved Sky 3D sporting events being broadcast on LG 3D televisions in pubs and clubs across the UK since April, these two companies will work together to raise awareness of 3D technology by embarking on a nationwide roadshow where Sky’s 3D content will be demoed on LG 3D TV sets. Exclusive deals on LG 3D TV purchases for new and existing Sky subscribers has also been suggested, though details remain sketchy at the moment.
Stephen Gater, head of marketing for the Home Entertainment division at LG UK, acknowledged that compelling 3D content is essential alongside 3D TV hardware to drive 3DTV adoption among home users, which is why the Korean TV maker did not hesitate in penning a deal with BSkyB (British Sky Broadcasting), whose Sky 3D channel will offer the most variety of 3D content in the United Kingdom ranging from 3D sporting events to 3D movies.
The main factor which may have persuaded Sky to endorse LG rather than its rivals is that LG is the sole TV manufacturer that produces both active and passive 3D televisions, which means that LG’s range of 3D displays has the widest appeal across different groups of viewers (e.g. passive 3D in pubs and clubs; active 3D at home).
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