Sky Movies HD To Show All James Bond Films From Oct 2012

Jonathan Sutton

From October 2012, the entire James Bond movie catalogue from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) will be made available on Sky Movies, according to the latest announcement from media and entertainment giant British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB). As well as all the old James Bond films, Sky customers will also be able to enjoy all the upcoming releases in glorious high definition without being interrupted by the usual commercials.

Sky Movies HD
Sky Movies HD to show all James Bond films from Oct 2012

The Sky Movies Showcase HD channel will be showing all 22 official James Bond titles from EON Productions, with titles ranging from Dr. No to the more recent Quantum of Solace. Subscribers who have access to the channel will also be able to watch both the 1967 Casino Royale and Never Say Never Again, which are the two titles not made by EON, in full HD.

Both the Sky Store and Sky Movies Box Office will be showing the next official Bond movie Skyfall in spring 2013, although it is scheduled for release in UK cinemas on the 26th of October 2012 for those who want to see it sooner.

With the first James Bond movie, Dr. No, being aired on 5th October 1962, the license release for the entire collection has been set to coincide with the franchise’s 50th anniversary, and will mark the first time in the United Kingdom that the whole James Bond catalogue is to be shown both in high definition and completely uninterrupted.

The director of Sky Movies Ian Lewis said that he is delighted that the Bond movies have all been secured for Sky subscribers, and added that the films demonstrate the very best of British film-making, with everything from the catchphrases to the cars and gadgets making the films truly iconic. He also mentioned that in the coming months Sky has a whole range of new and exciting plans similar to the James Bond experience for their customers to enjoy.