Tesco Launches Trade-In Scheme For Electricals Like TVs

Richard Carlton

As most of us know only too well, the cost of living has soared over the past eighteen months, with rising food and petrol prices putting huge strain and pressure on household finances. Many people may therefore be very interested to hear that supermarket giant Tesco is offering a great deal for those who trade in electrical appliances, including TVs.

Tesco launches trade-in scheme for electricals like TVs

Figures indicate that well over a million tonnes of unwanted electrical items are disposed of every year by UK households. This is something that, amongst other things, could have huge environmental implications. A new recycling service from Tesco will, however, enable consumers to get their televisions and various other electrical items recycled, and receive a little something back in return.

Tesco has been trialling its recycling scheme over the course of the summer, and has now decided to roll it out across the nation after a successful trial. More than three thousand different types of electrical products will be accepted by the trade-in service, which will include flat-screen HDTV displays, as well as items such as digital cameras, MP3 players and video game consoles.

In return for bringing in their electrical products, consumers will be compensated with Tesco Clubcard points which they can then exchange for various rewards or money-off coupons. Alternatively, customers can opt to receive gift cards in exchange for recycling their goods, which they can then spend on making purchases at Tescos nationwide.

With so many people struggling to keep up with living costs, the opportunity to get rewards points and gift cards will be welcomed by many consumers, particularly if they were planning to get rid of eligible electrical items anyway. Tesco’s promotional material suggests that recyclers could get around £160 in gift vouchers or Clubcard points for a 32-inch flat-panel LCD TV in good working condition.