Help Us Help You

Vincent Teoh
Help UsHelp You

Surveys can really open your eyes and tell you things that you haven’t even considered before. For example, in the most recent poll we learnt that even though our HDTV reviews are some of the most comprehensive on the internet, many readers are at a loss as to how our tested HDTVs perform relative to each other. To paraphrase one, “all your reviewed HDTVs have pros and cons… but in your opinion which is the best?

It’s probably been long overdue, but we have a solution now. We’ve just finished coding a “HDTV Selector Tool” that ranks the HDTVs in our database according to YOUR budget and viewing preferences. It is by no means definitive, and far from the finished article, but it should help you drill down towards the HDTVs most suitable for your needs.

Experiment with the selector tool, click around, and let us know what you think. In particular please report any quirks or bugs so that we can iron those out and improve your user experience.

PS3 Fundraising

Continuing on the “Help Us Help You” theme, we’ve started a fundraising campaign to buy a PS3 so that we can begin testing console gaming and 1080/24p compatibility on the many exciting new HDTVs coming our way soon. Our target is £400… we’d appreciate any help you can lend us. To view real-time stats or to see a desaturated PS3 slowly regaining its lustre in line with donation levels, simply visit