Hope you guys had a great Easter holiday this weekend just past. Shame it had to end, so it’s time to get back to serious work. Colin has put up his Toshiba 32C3030D review, and I’ve also uploaded the first 4 pages of the Samsung LE40M86BD review.
Because there is a plethora of options residing in the user menu of the Samsung LE40M86BD, the remainder of the review may take some time to complete as we have to explore and test the function of each individual option, and then mix ’em up to achieve the best possible picture. For all intensive purposes, the article can also be treated as a LE40M87BD review, for the only difference (as far as we’re aware) is cosmetic.
Which reminds me: I’ve been asked by a couple of readers if I’m actually reviewing the M87 rather than M86 because of the presence of a chrome strip in one of my photos. I see your point, but the “chrome strip” was simply a reflection off the sunlight:
You may have noticed the link to our new forum appended to the bottom of the new reviews. Our old comment system was becoming too bloated: check out the Sharp LC42XD1E review and you’ll see what I mean – there are 50+ comments added to each page without an easy way to sift through them to find the information you require.
So we think that a forum is the best way forward… feel free to register (no confirmation needed) and discuss the reviews and HDTV-related stuff.